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Apple has unveiled macOS Sonoma, the next major version of its desktop operating system. macOS Sonoma is based on the same foundation as macOS Ventura, but it includes a number of new features and improvements.


Apple has announced its first augmented reality headset, the Vision Pro, which is set to be released in 2024. The Vision Pro is a high-end device that will be priced at $3,499.


Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference began on Monday with a keynote talk that showcased everything new in the company's device portfolio. WWDC has always been where Apple gives us the first look at new software for iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs. However, Apple also unveiled new hardware this year.


The battle for the best mobile phone has been going on for years, where Apple and android have taken over the phone device market to determine who has the best products, some have come to be part of the leaderboard such as Blackberry, yet the argument has forever been who is a superior mobile, Apple or Android?

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Gadgette is a tech and lifestyle magazine for women. It was founded in 2015 as a way to increase the visibility of women in tech media.