May 30, 2023

Technology has always been an integral part of human life, and it has continued to evolve over time. One of the latest technological advancements is Augmented Reality (AR)

Technical Jargon Explained

Technical Jargon Explained

Gain a better understanding about NFTs and why everyone is suddenly changing their profile pictures to pixelated punks or bored looking apes. 

May 11, 2022
Technical Jargon Explained

The internet as we know it has evolved exponentially over the years and Web3 is the latest version we are all anticipating. Here’s all you need to know…

May 11, 2022
Technical Jargon Explained

So you may hear some technical jargon that you just don't understand, but you want to understand because of course the world is digitising more everyday so you want to keep up with the "times". You want to understand what direction the world is going in, after all knowledge is power!

May 8, 2022