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London Tech Week

For the tenth year, London Tech Week has returned with an action-packed 2023 schedule, bringing together industry experts and entrepreneurs from around the world.

June 13, 2023

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This week, WhatsApp added a number of new features, including the option to mute others during group calls (via Android Central). This sanity-saving tool appears to be useful not only for muting folks who fail to do so, but also if you're in the same room as someone else in the conversation and don't want to hear an echo of their words.

June 24, 2022

Gamers, why not switch up your controllers for your gaming experience this summer with PowerA’s new pastel controllers. Colourful, adorable, and affordable even though it still has a Micro USB port.

June 20, 2022
London Tech Week

A new global programme backed by Hillary Rodham Clinton promises to address the paucity of support for diverse tech startups.

June 14, 2022

In the first five months of this year, UK start-ups raised more money than they will in the entire year of 2020.

June 14, 2022

Quantum computers are known for speed, accuracy and incredible problem-solving capabilities that regular computers can't take on. The British ministry of defense has acquired its first quantum computer and will be working with Ocra computing to fully harness the technology for defense.

June 14, 2022